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Panama generates 82 new patentable concepts

Publicado el 24-10-2018

80 participants from 20 public and private Panamanian entities, among which are universities, companies and associations received extensive training in the third edition of the Intensive Workshop for Accelerated Patent Development, organized by C AF-Banco de Desarrollo de América Latina and the National Secretariat of Science, Technology and Innovation (Senacyt) with the objective of promoting the generation of technological concepts that solve problems with a global focus.

Currently the CAF maintains a CAF Method for Accelerated Patent Development, which was used in the workshop and consists of a disruptive instruction that seeks not only to break the paradigms that currently exist in the region on technological innovation, but also on how conceptualize patentable technologies, including the drafting of quality patents.

“The result of these was the generation of 82 patentable concepts presented by young people.”

Susana Pinilla, representative of CAF in Panama said that "in CAF we consider that technological innovation and the patents of future innovations created by Latin Americans, are engines of the necessary new model of economic growth and sustainable development, based on giving added value to our riches and raise productivity to shorten the technological gap and competitiveness with the first world.

The program is implemented as a regional initiative in 8 countries and has achieved some 984 technological concepts with the possibility of patenting by public and private entities from 2016 to date.

According to Pinilla, the goal is to position Panama as a leading country in the region in the generation of international patent applications and for this they have worked together with Senacyt since 2016.

“We have seen the first fruits with the positioning of the Technological University of Panama in the ranking 50of universities applying for patents via the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT)."

During the first semester of 2018 , 124 applications were registered in the Directorate General for the Registration of Industrial Property(Digerpi) and  125 applications were filed through the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT), a result that It generated a significant increase in the indicators of Technological Innovation of Panama, placing the country as a leader in PCT applications per million inhabitants of the region, above Chile and Mexico, which to date were considered the leading innovation countries in the region.

Víctor Sánchez, National Director of Innovation at Senacyt said that creating an innovative culture, generating knowledge and learning a new way to compete is part of the purpose of the patent workshop.

Sánchez stressed that in order to compete with the great leaders in advanced technology, it is necessary for Panama to start thinking about the future and also to evaluate what we are doing to be at the forefront, generate knowledge and exploit the country's riches through the development of innovative mechanisms.


Source elcapitalfinanciero

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