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Mining, Petroleum, LNG & Natural Resources

Pardini & Asociados is a leader in Mining, Petroleum, LNG & Natural Resources Law in Panama. The firm´s has been at the forefront in acting as Panama legal counsel for mining, oil, LNG and natural resources companies in Panama.

The firm's Oil and LNG law group has been at the forefront in representing Oil and LNG companies and projects in Panama.

Our Petroleum & LNG practice includes:

  • Structuring and incorporation of companies and projects in Panama
  • Negotiation and drafting of all kinds of agreements and joint ventures
  • Drafting, filing and processing of government concessions for petroleum free zones operations including tanking, refining, blending and others
  • Liaising with government entities such as Panama's Maritime Authority, Panama Canal, Ministry of Commerce and others
  • Complete legal advice on environmental issues.

Our Mining and Natural Resources' team covers all related areas such as:

  • Structuring and incorporation of mining companies and projects
  • Negotiation and drafting of all kinds of agreements and joint ventures
  • Drafting, filing and processing of exploration and exploitation concessions
  • Liaising with government entities such as Panama's Mineral Resources Agency, Ministry of Commerce and others
  • Complete advice on all environmental and other regulations.

We have a full brochure available free, here.

If you want to know our most representative transactions in Natural Resources, we invite you to click here.

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