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Panama and its strategy to become a regional technology headquarters

Posted on 2022-07-11

Panama Digital Hub is the Strategy for the Development of the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) Sector for the next 10 years, whose main objective is for Panama to become a Center of Digital Innovation .

For this, the Panamanian Government and the private sector have already devised a series of strategies to achieve it. These strategies are supported by 4 fundamental pillars, the first two are human talent, or human resources specialized in the technological area, both physical and social infrastructure, this includes material and social factors of the environment that facilitate or hinder the possibilities of innovation in the sector.

The other two are financial resources, and legal and regulatory framework. The Strategy creates a map to follow of coordinated programs and projects to achieve the strategic objectives, to promote cluster relations and sufficient resources to make the ICT sector competitive at an international level.

In order to develop these first two pillars, alliances have already been made between educational institutions such as the Specialized Higher Technical Institute (ITSE), the Technological University of Panama (UTP), the University of Panama, among other higher education centers.

And since it is a country agenda, an important rapprochement was also achieved with the National Authority for Government Innovation (AIG), the National Secretariat of Science, Technology and Innovation (SENACYT) and the Panamanian Chamber of Information Technologies and Innovation (CAPATEC). ); among other.

Technological innovation and research centers also join this effort to make Panama a technology hub. For this, the first Panamanian Observatory of Information and Communication Technologies (OPTIC) has been created, which aims to understand the evolution and prospects of the ICT sector in Panama. The Observatory will define information and indicators of the sector that will serve to elaborate public policies and for the development of market strategies.

But how has the laborious work been during the last two years, are we on the right track, what do we still need to turn Panama into a regional technology hub? This and more is told by Diego Eleta, member of the Board of Directors of the Technological Chamber of Panama (Capatec), in an interview that you can see in full on this site.

Source: ANP News

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