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Panama: New Rules for Cargo Transport

Posted on 2017-07-20

The new law establishes requirements that must be met by companies that provide cargo transportation services and the types of vehicles that can be used, among other things.

Article 1. This Act establishes the legal, organizational and technical framework for cargo transportation that circulates on the roads in the Republic of Panama and promotes conditions that encourage the productivity and efficiency of land freight transport, as well as the country's competitiveness, within the framework of public and private initiatives to convert the Republic of Panama into an international logistics center.

The transportation of land cargo is a private service considered to be of public interest and, consequently, the constitutional and legal guarantees and regulations for such effects are applicable to it. The State will establish the guidelines for a national logistics strategy in force in accordance with the agreements and international treaties signed by the Republic of Panama.


Source: Central America Data                                       

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