Posted on 2019-01-15
According to figures from the General Comptroller of the Republic, Foreign Direct Investment in Panama increased between the first nine months of 2017 and the same period in 2018, going from $3.892 million to $4.251 million.
Raúl Moreira, director of Social and Economic Analysis at the Ministry of Economy and Finance, told that "... The increase was mainly in the concept of "other capital," direct foreign investment in non-financial companies established in the country, which increased by $345.3 million or 28.1%," he explained. The increase in the third quarter has a positive impact on employment generation, currency levels and the country's per capita income. In addition, foreign direct investment can mean a transfer of knowledge and technological skills from abroad.”
The article adds that "... The most important component of foreign direct investment is still the reinvestment of profits, that is, the profits of foreign companies established in Panama, which instead of being returned to their headquarters, remain in the country to strengthen local operations. In the January-September 2018 period, reinvested earnings totaled $2,703.4 million or 7.4% more than in the third quarter of 2017."
Source CentralAmerica
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