Posted on 2018-10-10
Panama will launch in October 2018 new digital platforms such as: The Digital Logistics Interoperability; the New Panama Online and those of Electronic Refining and Online Collection in the General Comptroller's Office of the Republic , as important steps to develop an ecosystem of digital entrepreneurships in the logistics and finance sectors, two areas in which the country has competitive advantages , what added to the seven submarine fiber optic cables that converge in this country make it ideal to be a hub digital, but it requires a State policy and transform the education system for its consolidation, experts concluded during the tenth edition of BIZ FIT Panama.
The seven submarine fiber optic cables that pass through Panama are information highways through which millions of megabits of voice and data circulate, which are interconnected with the region through the Electrical Interconnection System of the Central American Countries (Siepac) and with the Central American Telecommunications Network (RedCA).
With these competitive advantages, Panama seeks to become a digital hub and for this has developed a design based on that competitive advantage, Panama Strategy for the Development of the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) Sector for the next 10 years, a public, private and academic alliance whose main objective is that Panama be a Digital Innovation Center.
Irvin A. Halman, General Manager of the National Authority for Government Innovation (AIG), informed that as part of the initiatives to turn Panama into a digital hub, in October it will launch the Digital Logistics Interoperability platform, with a view to converting Panama in a world class hub.
Halman also informed that the new platform of Panama Online was put into operation with the 50 most requested digital procedures, among them: Payment of online traffic tickets, police record, credit certification and request for peace and save from the Institute for the Training and Use of Human Resources (Ifarhu), among others.
He also reported that with the Office of the Comptroller General of the Republic, the launching of the " State Platform for Electronic Refresher " and " Online Collection Management " is completed, which has as a legal framework the Law 51 of July 2008 that regulates documents and Electronic signature.
Panama improves
Panama ranked 85th in the Digital Government Development Index (Egdi, for its acronym in English), which includes 193 countries.
The new study incorporated metrics related to the implementation of Electronic Government tools applied to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), in order that countries use digital technologies to find ways to anticipate disasters, crises and minimize its impact on citizens and in this way reduce the digital divide.
During the 10th edition of BIZ FIT Panama 2018, the Panamanian Chamber of Information Technology, Innovation and Telecommunications (Capatec) and the Multilateral Investment Fund (MIF) of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) presented the project " Development of Ecosystems for Digital Entrepreneurship "with an investment of $ 1.6 million
The project seeks to promote different models of digital entrepreneurship through innovation, linking leading companies in finance and logistics, sectors whose advantages can be focused on the development of the Panama Digital Hub strategy.
According to the records of the Public Services Authority (Asep), there are more than 5.9 million mobile phone subscribers and more than 2 million Internet users. Important to develop an ecosystem of digital ventures in logistics and finance sectors.
Financial system
The financial sector of Panama has important competitive advantages to develop an ecosystem of digital enterprises, for this the Government presented to the National Assembly a draft Law for the Modernization of the International Financial System of Panama.
The project includes the creation of the Special Regulatory Framework for the Support of Innovation, internationally known as Sandbox, which will be led by the City of Knowledge and of which the financial regulators will be part, the National Secretariat of Science, Technology and Innovation (Senacyt) and the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF).
On the other hand, the Collective Financing Centers (Cefico) known as crowfunding platforms, their functions and regulation are also defined, which will be carried out by the Superintendence of the Securities Market (SMV).
The legislative initiative also regulates the new Specialized Financial Institutions (called "EFE's"), which contemplate the opening and management of payment accounts, transfers, money remittances and electronic money issuance, among others.
Source elcapitalfinanciero
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