Pardini & Asociados in its continuous purpose of providing greater and better services to our clients is pleased to expand its services to Citizenships programs in several jurisdictions of the Caribbean. These programs are well recognized to comply with the most strict global migration policies worldwide, bringing to any new citizen holders the possibility to travel to many countries without requiring entry visas or cumbersome acceptance processes.
Our offices can process and obtain Citizenship in the following jurisdictions:
Each jurisdiction has its own particularities, thus based upon you needs, we will provide the best option for you.
*Note: Investment amounts are subject to vary upon government decision or the amount of applicants
Main Requirements
Although, each of the citizenship programs may have their own specific requirements, we have found that the most common general documentation to provide is:
Should you have any inquiries about the Citizenship by Investment Programs, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Eduardo Achurra
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