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Industrial Property Legislation Improvements

By means of Law 61 of 2012 Industrial property legislation (patents, trademarks and others) was modified in order to comply with the new international tendency.


Most significant changes

  1. The Industrial property office will accept the registration of a master power of attorney for the purpose of simplifying multiple applications and document filing per applicants
  2. The  Industrial property office is committed to gradually adequate their systems for online applications and follow up process
  3. It is now adopted the Washington convention of 1970 in regards to International patents
  4. A single trademark application may include several classes petition
  5. Any registered trademark must be used within the Panamanian territory
  6. A trademark licensee will not require a license contract, however the existent license contract shall only be considered for informative purposes.
  7. Any trademark owner must have a legal domicile in Panama for the purpose of legal notifications. Law firms can provide their domicile.
  8. A trademark sample will also be required in digital sample
  9. Commercial names are not required to be registered.
  10. There will be additional changes in regards to patents, country of origin and other.


Lic. Eduardo Achurra.

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